he Muscular Zone of Chiropractic Care | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA
Hey everybody, Dr. John D’Ambrosio here from the Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Today we’re going to talk about the muscular zone and what is the muscular zone?
All the Components of The Muscular Zone
Well, it covers all the muscles! It controls how the muscles function, but it also covers all the ligaments, all the tendons, and all of the bones that work with the muscular system. So if you have muscle weakness, if you’re experiencing tingling maybe in your hands, your balance is off. If there’s difficulties walking, there’s a good chance that one of the zones that may be imbalanced is your muscular zone. Our job is to come in find which zone is imbalanced. If it is your muscular zone, we will balance that and you will get off the table knowing absolutely that zone has been balanced. That healing energy is going to all the muscles, ligaments and bones in your body and you are on a path to a more enhanced life, happier, healthier life!
Again, this is Dr. John D’Ambrosio from the Center for Life enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Have a great day!