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The Eliminative Zone and Zone Technique in Woodstock, GA

The Zone Technique is a method of analyzing and balancing the six Zones of the brain – Glandular, Eliminative, Nervous, Digestive, Muscular, and Circulatory. Every gland, organ, muscle, and cell falls under one or more of these Zones, and if there is an imbalance, the energy, healing, and communication from the brain to the areas of the body under the control of the imbalanced Zone are less than optimal; a trickle instead of a fire hose. By determining which Zone is out of balance on each visit and then balancing it, the body is given the innate power to heal, adapt, and function optimally.

The Eliminative Zone covers every gland, muscle, and organ involved in elimination. The organs and tissues that fall under the control of the Elimination Zone include but are not limited to:

  • Sinuses
  • Nasal passages
  • Throat
  • Nose
  • Lungs
  • Kidneys
  • Bladder
  • Colon
  • Skin
Eliminative Zone in Zone Technique Chiropractor Near Me in Woodstock GA

The Zone Technique differs from conventional medicine because the focus is on determining which Zone is out of balance and balancing it so that the body can then adapt and heal itself as it was created to do, versus giving a medication to mask symptoms or performing surgery to remove something that is not functioning properly.

In over 30 years of clinical experience, plus hundreds of hours spent learning and becoming certified in many techniques as well as teaching them around the country, I have found the Zone Technique to have some of the most profound results in how practice members heal.

How Our Eliminative Zone Care Plan Works

Identifying The Cause

We listen to you, and more importantly, we hear you. We take this information, along with utilizing two state-of-the-art computerized technologies, to determine what is going on in your body and how this affects your health. We then devise a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

Specific Chiropractic Care

Based on what we find in your computerized exam, we now know exactly how to adjust you. At each visit, we determine where to adjust you based on which zone of your brain is imbalanced on that visit. Adjustments are performed with the best instruments in the industry so that they are precise, extremely gentle, and tailored to your body’s needs.

Accelerate Your Healing

Research has shown that your brain is most open to change for 20 minutes after a chiropractic adjustment. That being so, why would we immediately send you out into the world that put you in the condition you came in with? We don’t! We maximize that period after your adjustment with our groundbreaking Transformation Stations, which accelerate healing and contribute to permanent positive changes and habits.

How We Use The Zone Technique in Woodstock, GA

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam
Our comprehensive consultation and exam start with explaining how what we do in our office differs from other offices. This sets the stage for asking questions you may not have been asked in other chiropractic offices. We take the time to learn about you and your goals and to help you realize goals you might not have thought possible. The exam includes a computerized neurological scan that lets us know how your body handles and processes stress, whether you are in a fat-burning or fat-storage mode, and what mode your brain is in (rest/heal/repair or “fight or flight”). We can also determine at what biological age your body is functioning. In addition, we’ll perform a computerized postural exam, grip strength evaluation, and check heart rate and blood oxygenation levels.

It is not until the second day, once we have evaluated all the information gathered from your consultation and exam, that we can determine if we can help you in our office. If we decide we can, it is on that day that we check to see which Zone is out of balance and move forward to balance it. By assessing specific points on the back of your head, we can determine which Zone is imbalanced and balance it before you leave that day.

We are huge proponents of getting to the root cause of your problems so your body can heal itself and adapt to the world around you and inside of you. If all we did was push a few spots to make your pain temporarily go away, we would be putting a bandaid on the situation. The long-term problem would go unaddressed and could allow the damage to become permanent over time.

Chiropractic Care
A subluxation is when a spinal bone has shifted out of place, causing issues with spinal flexibility and the transmission of nerve energy and communication from the brain to the rest of the body. When these subluxations occur, they choke off the nerve energy to the glands, organs, and muscles they innervate so that proper function and healing cannot happen.

In our office, we locate subluxations by using the Zone Technique. By checking specific spots on the back of your head, we can determine which Zone is imbalanced that visit and gently and specifically stimulate the involved vertebrae to correct the subluxation and rebalance the Zone.

Chiropractic adjustments and the Zone Technique go hand in hand. The Zone Technique lets us know exactly where to apply the chiropractic adjustment to correct the subluxation and restore proper nerve function.

Health is multifaceted. You need to have proper fitness, exercise, and diet to transform your health. These are things you can do on your own while we take care of balancing your brain and nervous system. Science has proven that the brain is most open to change in the 20 minutes following an adjustment. You’ll spend that valuable time…

  • In our Transformation Stations, where you relieve the pressure of gravity on your spine (as the brain uses 90% of its energy to keep you upright in posture)
  • Using Earthing Technology to allow for a balancing of energy and a decrease in inflammation in your body
  • Wearing a BrainTap Headset, which allows for brain fitness, helping to reset your brain with light and sound

…all while helping you to reach the goals you set for yourself. This, combined with the recommended home care, allows for much faster progress and healing.

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Common Symptoms of Eliminative System Imbalance in the Eliminative Zone

Allergies & Asthma
Asthma is when your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out, and shortness of breath. The exact cause of asthma is unknown, but some triggers can be certain allergens or physical exercise.

The parts of our body that regulate our ability to fight asthma include our lungs as well as our immune system. Chiropractic care and the Zone Technique can help relieve and address the root cause of asthma because balancing the brain optimizes the energy and communication sent to the lungs and the immune system. The signals from the brain to the body go from a choked-off trickle to a fire hose, allowing for the proper function of the immune system and lungs, which includes healing. A healthy immune and respiratory system will be much less likely to experience asthma.

Constipation & Diarrhea
The Eliminative Zone sends communication and healing energy from the brain to the elimination organs, including the small intestine and colon. This energy is what allows proper function. A poorly functioning eliminative system can experience symptoms such as constipation and diarrhea. Aftering restoring energy to the affected organs, healing can occur, and normal function follows.

Constipation and diarrhea have many causes, including dietary, bacterial, viral, and nerve issues. In all cases, you are better off with a nervous system that communicates properly with the areas of the body involved in constipation and diarrhea to allow for optimal function and healing. This could mean that after eating something toxic or spoiled, that diarrhea and vomiting follow because your body is working on getting rid of the poisons. Although unpleasant, this is the response you want, and keeping the nerve flow to your Eliminative Zone free and clear will allow for the body’s proper response and healing during an event such as this.

Chiropractic care and the Zone Technique can help relieve constipation and diarrhea at the root cause if the issue is poor function of the organs involved due to lack of proper healing energy and communication from the brain to those organs. If the problem is due to something bacterial or viral, good healing nerve energy will allow the immune system to fight these foreign invaders, allowing self-healing to ensue.

Bladder Issues
Many issues can affect the bladder, from infection to incontinence to overactive bladder and interstitial cystitis. A functioning bladder should not experience these issues, and one of the reasons a bladder may not function properly is due to poor nerve supply from the brain. This will act as a dimmer switch on how the bladder functions, causing it to be more susceptible to infection or poor function.

When the communication from the brain to the bladder is compromised, much like a dimmer switch, the energy from the brain, which controls all organs in the body, is minimized. Think of the healing energy and communication from your brain to your bladder to be like a fire hose, but if there is nerve interference, this flow is choked off and becomes a trickle. Poor energy flow doesn’t allow the bladder to function or heal properly. Through chiropractic adjustments and the Zone Technique, we can open the floodgates of healing energy and communication, and true healing can begin, followed by proper function.

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itching, redness, flaking, and sometimes sore lesions. People with eczema risk developing food allergies, hay fever, and asthma, linking eczema to immune system issues.

The immune system, believed to be hyperactive with eczema, is under the control of the nervous system. Through chiropractic care and the Zone Technique, both the skin and immune system can receive the proper nerve flow from the brain to balance and heal. This allows the hyperactive immune system to normalize and the skin to heal.

Sinus Infections
Sinuses are air-filled interconnected cavities located between your eyes and nose. Along with the nasal passages in the nose, your sinuses produce and circulate mucus. Most people have four pairs (eight sinuses), the frontal sinuses, sphenoid sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, and maxillary sinuses.

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the tissues in your sinuses become inflamed and swollen. This interferes with drainage, causing mucus to build up, congestion, pain, and pressure around your eyes. Sinusitis can make it difficult to breathe. The most common cause of sinusitis is a virus, such as the common cold, but bacteria, allergies, or fungi may also cause it.

When your Eliminative Zone is imbalanced, your sinuses’ ability to fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi is compromised, and nerve interference can lower your immune function. This combination is a welcome mat for sinus infections because they are not draining correctly and cannot defend themselves.

Chiropractic care can help open up the proper communication between the brain, sinuses, and immune system, allowing the healing nerve flow to reach them in the appropriate amounts. Good nerve flow improves function and defense against infection. In addition, cranial work can assist in the proper movement of the 22 moveable bones of the cranium, which also greatly helps with sinus function.

Check Out Our Location Near You

7851 Hickory Flat Hwy, Suite 204
Woodstock, GA 30188

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Zone Technique?
The Zone Technique is a chiropractic approach based on the fact that every cell, gland, organ, and muscle falls under the control of the brain. The Zone Technique addresses this control by assessing and maximizing the six Zones of the brain, Glandular, Eliminative, Nervous, Digestive, Muscular, and Circulatory Zones. Once we gently balance a Zone on a visit, that part of the brain can send the proper healing energy to the areas under its control, allowing for healing and proper function.

What comprises the eliminative system?
The Eliminative System is composed of all the areas of your body that work in elimination. This can be the obvious areas, such as the bladder, intestines, kidneys, and colon, to the less obvious ones, such as the sinuses, nasal passages, throat, nose, bronchial tubes, lungs, and skin.

What does an optimized eliminative system look like?
An optimized eliminative system is one where all the organs of elimination are properly functioning so you experience perfect skin, breathing, urination, and bowel movements.

What are the symptoms of a dysfunctional eliminative system?
Some more common symptoms of a dysfunctional eliminative zone include constipation, diarrhea, asthma, bedwetting, and eczema.

How do you fix the eliminative system?
We assess each zone at every appointment using chiropractic care and the Zone Technique. We address the Eliminative Zone presenting as the primary source of imbalance with gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments. In turn, this clears the other Zones for that visit, and the brain’s healing energy floods the body so that all organs involved in elimination can begin to function better and start to heal.

What is eczema?
Eczema is a condition of the skin which includes redness, flaking, itching, and sores, believed to be caused by an overactive immune system.

Can a chiropractor help with constipation?
Chiropractic has a long history of helping with constipation because once addressing the source of nerve interference to the colon, proper function and healing of the colon can begin. Proper function equates to regular bowel movements.

How does chiropractic care help with allergies?
Chiropractic care helps with allergies as it helps with eczema or asthma by balancing the brain to optimize the nerve energy sent to the head, lungs, and immune system. This allows healing and proper function of these areas to occur, which helps with allergies of all kinds.

What is asthma?
Asthma is a condition where the airways of the respiratory system narrow and produce too much mucus. This can lead to trouble breathing and the wheezing sound associated with it. The most common causes are allergens and exercise, believed to be due to immune system hyperactivity.

$79 New Patient Special

– Consultation and History –
– Thorough Examination –
– Computerized Posture Scan –
– Grip Strength Evaluation –
– Computerized NeuralChek Scan with HRV and Stress Evaluation –
– Report of Findings –
– Recommendations and Customized “Transform Your Health Plan” if deemed necessary –

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