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BioCharger NG Therapy in Woodstock, GA Near Me. Chiropractor for BioCharger Treatment.

BioCharger in Woodstock, GA

The BioCharger® NG is unlike any other health optimization platform. It is built upon the four energy types proven to facilitate better cell function. To replenish your body with the natural energies it lacks due to your modern lifestyle. Each BioCharger session surrounds your entire body with four distinct harmonious energy fields – PEMF, frequencies and harmonics, voltage, and light – proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination, and mental clarity.

We use the BioCharger NG after balancing the brain to fuel the body on a cellular level, speeding up and deepening the healing process. The BioCharger NG is the literal icing on the cake of our plans! First, we balance your nervous system and body with the Zone and Cranial Release Techniques. Research shows that the brain is most open to change 12-20 minutes after an adjustment. Our Transformation Station takes advantage of this elasticity, which helps reduce inflammation and retrain your brain for healing. Finally, now that all systems are working properly, we use the BioCharger NG to flood your cells with all the healing energies they need to improve your health further.

What Does The BioCharger NG Do?

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

PEMF sends electromagnetic waves through your body to heal and rejuvenate your cells, strengthening your body naturally and safely. When you use PEMF, you will notice improvements in your physical and mental states. It can help promote faster recovery, relieve daily irritations, and optimize your cellular health. Discover a stronger and healthier version of yourself. Recover faster, boost circulation, and more relaxing days!

Frequencies and Harmonics

Experience the transformative power of frequencies and harmonics that can elevate your mood and cognition, boost your energy levels, and accelerate your body’s ability to recover. Frequency and harmonics can help restore cell balance, relieving pain and decreasing inflammation.


Explore a new level of vitality with voltage energy that revitalizes and rejuvenates your body while supporting better cognitive function, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Voltage can improve cellular nutrient uptake and detoxification and increase the body’s ability to generate new cells.


Get on the path to optimized wellness by using light energy to boost nutrient absorption, enhance rejuvenation, elevate mood, improve sleep quality, and promote healthy skin. Light therapy can have you experiencing improved sleep quality, increased healing of chronic wounds, and improvement in behavioral disorders.

How Our Chiropractic Care Plan Works

Identifying The Cause

We listen to you, and more importantly, we hear you. We take this information, along with utilizing two state-of-the-art computerized technologies, to determine what is going on in your body and how this affects your health. We then devise a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

Specific Chiropractic Care

Based on what we find in your computerized exam, we now know exactly how to adjust you. At each visit, we determine where to adjust you based on which zone of your brain is imbalanced on that visit. Adjustments are performed with the best instruments in the industry so that they are precise, extremely gentle, and tailored to your body’s needs.

Accelerate Your Healing

Research has shown that your brain is most open to change for 20 minutes after a chiropractic adjustment. That being so, why would we immediately send you out into the world that put you in the condition you came in with? We don’t! We maximize that period after your adjustment with our groundbreaking Transformation Stations, which accelerate healing and contribute to permanent positive changes and habits.

Why We Use BioCharger Therapy in Woodstock, GA

Chiropractic Care and The BioCharger NG

In our office, once you have completed the initial aspects of our protocol, which include the Zone and Cranial Release Techniques, you go into our Transformation Station, which utilizes zero-gravity chairs, grounding/earthing mats, and BrainTap headsets to reduce inflammation and reprogram the brain for healing. After that 10-15 minute session, you enter our BioCharger Lounge and relax in front of the BioCharger NG for another 10-15 minutes while your body absorbs the healing energies it emits. No electronics are permitted in the room, so feel free to read a book or talk to others on a journey similar to yours.

Contraindications to using the BioCharger NG include implanted medical devices such as pacemakers, neurostimulators, or cranial implants. Pregnancy is also contraindicated as there have not been enough studies to confirm its safety. In some cases, those with implants can still benefit from the BioCharger NG but must do so at a six-foot distance from the unit.

On average, Americans spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. The unconscious way we live deprives us of natural energies that are good for our health. We can overcome modern-day challenges that we regularly face with this cutting-edge wellness modality. BioCharger NG supports the body’s natural restorative abilities by supplying it with four natural energies in 12-15 minutes. This time period gives you the optimal amount of energy your body can absorb for maximal cellular health and improvement.

The Benefits of BioCharger Therapy

  • Energy – Revitalize your body so you can perform at peak levels all day, every day.
  • Recovery – Whether it’s a workout, an injury, or the stress, bumps, and bruises of everyday life, the BioCharger NG platform will help facilitate a rapid bounce-back.
  • Performance – Getting the most out of your body requires effort and quick recovery. Just 15 minutes a day with the BioCharger NG can propel you to a new personal best.
  • Focus – Aid in your body’s ability to align your mind and body, sharpening your mental clarity so you can work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Sleep – Experience restorative energy waves to realign your mind and body, promoting more restful, renewing sleep.
  • Flexibility – The BioCharger NG helps improve mobility and flexibility, accelerate muscle recovery, and reduce joint stiffness.

During a BioCharger NG session, you just sit in our BioCharger Lounge and relax. You can’t have your cellphone or any electronics with you, but you can read a book or magazine, take a nap, walk around the room, or chat with someone else experiencing a session with you. You could be in the room alone or have up to 5 other people with you. We find that people actually prefer to be in groups. Many people joke about it and say they are sitting around a modern campfire with friends!

There are over 1200 “recipes” or sessions available for use, and the doctor will pick one that is best for you or the group you’re with. These range from overall wellness to workout recovery to improved mood and sleep to almost anything you can think of. Curious, just ask! Remember, these sessions aren’t designed to “treat” any medical conditions but to allow your body to be better equipped to heal by giving it the cellular fuel it needs!

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Common Nervous System Imbalances Treated With BioCharger Therapy in Woodstock, GA

Anxiety and Depression

When you don’t have the energetic fuel to keep the body running optimally, you’re like a car running on empty. Your body is dividing up the few resources it has to try to keep you healthy, and when resources are low, you can feel anxious, tired, depressed, and unmotivated.

Your energetic system can come out of balance when you are away from the primary energetic fuels – sunshine, being outdoors, walking barefoot, being in the forest or on the beach, breathing fresh air, and more.

Anxiety and depression can be improved through various methods, including using a BioCharger NG, as well as exercise and a proper diet. BioCharger sessions help balance your cell’s energetic system so that your brain can enter its relax/heal/repair mode, allowing you to properly process stress and reduce anxiety and depression.


An imbalance in the cellular energy system can lead to headaches in many ways. When you don’t have the proper cellular resources, the neck and head muscles can become tight, resulting in headaches. An imbalance of the energy flow going to the head can cause headaches, and an imbalance of energetic resources for the glands can cause hormonal imbalances, which can also cause headaches.

The most common headaches we see are tension headaches, followed by migraine headaches. By balancing the cellular energy to the muscles and arteries of the head and to the various glands that secrete hormones, we provide the cellular resources to alleviate the root cause of headaches. Many people take medication, whether it be over the counter or prescribed, for headaches, which in most cases just masks the symptoms so you don’t feel the pain, but the process causing the headache is still present.

Weak Immunity

Your nervous system requires the proper energy and fuel to run correctly. Your nervous system controls your immune system, so an imbalanced nervous system lacking the energetic resources to heal can cause weakened immunity. On that same note, a healthy nervous system, along with the proper cellular energy for fuel, can facilitate a strong immune system.

A weakened immune system can result in frequent allergies, colds, and infections, making one more susceptible to bacterial and viral issues. The BioCharger NG itself doesn’t accelerate healing, but it facilitates improved healing by giving the body the proper energy to begin healing. Think of it as an energetic multi-vitamin allowing healing to occur as it was meant to. Doctors don’t heal anybody. Only you can heal yourself.

Nerve Pain

Nerve pain is usually known as pain that travels along the course of a nerve. The pain can be sharp, burning, stabbing, or tingling.

Nerve pain usually develops from some sort of compression along the course of the nerve. The compression can be from bone, muscle, ligaments, tumors, etc. Infections and even diabetes can also cause nerve pain.

A balanced body works to function and heal optimally. When the nervous system is balanced and operating the way it should due to chiropractic care, healing can begin at the root cause of the nerve pain and allow the nerve to heal. When you add the much-needed energetic fuel from the BioCharger session, the body now has the resources or building blocks it needs to use for healing.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles, and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. Hormones are essential for life and your health.

When your cellular energy is low, the signals to the glands that secrete hormones are dimmed and slowed down because you are running on empty. The communication between the brain and the glands is not functioning as it should, and that disconnect causes hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal imbalances can cause many issues, from infertility to poor digestion, poor elimination to mood and sleep disturbances. Your nerves control every aspect of your body, and a part of that is through regulating the body via hormonal control.

BioCharger NG sessions can give the body the energetic fuel it needs on a cellular level, allowing resources for the proper signals to get to and from the glands and the brain. Once these signals are traveling back and forth properly, balance can be restored.

Check Out Our Location Near You

7851 Hickory Flat Hwy, Suite 204
Woodstock, GA 30188

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the BioCharger NG?

The BioCharger NG is the only health optimization platform of its kind, built upon four energy types that have all been proven to facilitate better cell function.

What energies are used by the BioCharger NG?

The BioCharger NG uses Light, Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency (PEMF), Frequencies & Harmonics, and Voltage energies.

What does a BioCharger NG session look like?

During a BioCharger NG session, you will sit comfortably in our BioCharger Lounge next to the BioCharger NG for 10-15 minutes. You may be alone in your session or with up to five other people, and although you can’t have any electronics in the room, you can talk, read, move around, or just relax. People liken it to sitting around a modern campfire.

What will I feel during a BioCharger NG session?

One can feel many different things, from a warmth on the skin to a tingling to nothing at all. Regardless of what you feel or don’t feel, know that your body is absorbing the healing energies from the BioCharger NG.

Can the BioCharger NG help me sleep better?

The great thing about the BioCharger NG is that people report not only sleeping better but feeling better as well. Less inflammation and pain, less stress and worry, less soreness after a workout, better recovery from exercise and other conditions…the benefits are endless.

$79 New Patient Special

Includes Consultation and History, Thorough Examination, Computerized Posture Scan, Grip Strength Evaluation, Computerized NeuralChek Scan with HRV and Stress Evaluation, Report of Findings, Recommendations and Customized Transform Your Health Plan if deemed necessary.

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