How Our Sciatica Care Plan Works
Identifying The Cause
We listen to you, and more importantly, we hear you. We take this information, along with utilizing two state-of-the-art computerized technologies, to determine what is going on in your body and how this affects your health. We then devise a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
Specific Chiropractic Care
Based on what we find in your computerized exam, we now know exactly how to adjust you. At each visit, we determine where to adjust you based on which zone of your brain is imbalanced on that visit. Adjustments are performed with the best instruments in the industry so that they are precise, extremely gentle, and tailored to your body’s needs.
Accelerate Your Healing
Research has shown that your brain is most open to change for 20 minutes after a chiropractic adjustment. That being so, why would we immediately send you out into the world that put you in the condition you came in with? We don’t! We maximize that period after your adjustment with our groundbreaking Transformation Stations, which accelerate healing and contribute to permanent positive changes and habits.
The Zone Technique involves applying gentle pressure to specific zones along the nerve, starting from the lower back and moving down to the leg. The zone technique can help reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and release nerve and muscle tension. By applying the Zone Technique to the specific zones along the sciatica nerve, we can help relieve sciatica pain.