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The Truth About Healing and Chiropractic in Woodstock, GA

By November 29, 2023No Comments2 min read

The Truth About Healing and Chiropractic | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA

Hey everybody, Dr. John D’Ambrosio here from the Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. I just wanted to take a quick second to talk to you about reviews I get here. Along with that I want you to understand the truth about healing and chiropractic care. Everybody loves reviews, you all want to get good reviews. Sometimes they can be misleading, because when I work with people, they will leave a review or tell a friend “Oh, Dr. John cured my eczema”, “Dr. John cured my stomach problems”, or “Dr. John fixed my headaches“. Although these are all flattering, it’s not necessarily true.

Making Sure Your Body Can Heal Itself

It can be misleading because people then come in to me and expect the magic headache adjustment, or the stomach pain adjustment. That’s not what we do, what I do is I balance out the brain to make sure the spine is communicating with the rest of the body. So then the information and healing energy can come down no longer with chunked off that flow. When that happens, your body can then function the way it’s supposed to function, heal the way it’s supposed to heal, and adapt to internal and external stresses. Then the problems that people experience, more than likely, will then heal themselves and go away. So although yes, through chiropractic care, these issues were addressed, they were addressed because the body is now functioning the way it’s supposed to function, and it can heal itself. So I wanted to clear up a little confusion on that because I do get that a lot, especially with referrals or someone reading a review, and they come in and they want something cured of their symptoms. I just have to kind of shift their perspective. So they know I’m not doing the curing. I’m not doing the healing. They are and I’m just making sure that they could do it without any interference.

Come see us at The Center for Life Enhancement for more information!

The Center for Life Enhancement

At The Center for Life Enhancement, we take a different approach to helping you regain your health. Dr. John’s 30+ years of experience has allowed him to research the best ways to identify the root cause of your problem and design a unique plan so you can start your journey of self-healing in the most powerful way possible.

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