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The Digestive Zone of Chiropractic Care | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA

By December 2, 2023No Comments2 min read

The Digestive Zone of Chiropractic Care | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA

Hey everybody, Dr. John D’Ambrosio here from the Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Today we’re going to talk about one of the six zones, the digestive zone. So what does the digestive zone cover?

Why It’s Important to Balance The Digestive Zone

Well, it’s kind of self explanatory, everything that’s involved in digestion! Digestion, the processing of food, the intake of food, the breaking down and the assimilation of food. That includes your intestines, your stomach, your colon, where everything kind of goes through during the digestive process. It can involve anything that breaks down the foods, including the mouth. There’s salivary glands in your mouth that begin to break down food. Those are all things under control of the digestive zone. So if you come in and we find your digestive zone is imbalanced, we balance it and healing through your digestive system can begin to occur. Then you end up with a happier, healthier life! Your food allergies may go away; your gas and bloating may disappear. Balancing that digestive zone offers a whole slew of positive changes. Once your body is in healing mode, you’ll notice these changes beginning to really take place!

Again, this is Dr. John D’Ambrosio for the Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Have a great day!

The Center for Life Enhancement

At The Center for Life Enhancement, we take a different approach to helping you regain your health. Dr. John’s 30+ years of experience has allowed him to research the best ways to identify the root cause of your problem and design a unique plan so you can start your journey of self-healing in the most powerful way possible.

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