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How We Restore Digestive Health in Woodstock, GA

By December 1, 2023No Comments2 min read

How We Restore Digestive Health | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA

Hey everybody, Dr. John D’Ambrosio from the Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Today we’re going to talk about how I find a specific zone.

Restoring Digestive Health

Now today we’re going over how we help restore digestive health. So I just want to show you how I would find that zone that is out of balance. Now there’s six spots on the back of your skull, and everybody’s skull is different. So you have to be trained to be able to find exactly where these zones are. Then I put pressure on each of the six spots, and you will let me know which zone is tender. I’ll already know that based on how that feels, but it’s more important for me to let you know that we found the zone in question. So then once we find that zone, you’ll say it’s tender there, we will balance the spine, which then in turn balances the brain, allowing for perfect digestive health. I will go back and recheck those zones and if there is no tenderness at all then we would know we’ve taken care of it. So it’s as simple and as complicated as that.

This is Dr. John D’Ambrosio from the Center for Life Enhancement. I hope you have a great day!

The Center for Life Enhancement

At The Center for Life Enhancement, we take a different approach to helping you regain your health. Dr. John’s 30+ years of experience has allowed him to research the best ways to identify the root cause of your problem and design a unique plan so you can start your journey of self-healing in the most powerful way possible.

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