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Get Rid of Tummy Troubles With Chiropractic Care in Woodstock, GA

By July 10, 2023No Comments4 min read

Get Rid of Tummy Troubles With Chiropractic Care | Zone Technique Chiropractor in Woodstock, GA

Hey everybody, Dr. John D’Ambrosio from The Center for Life Enhancement right here in Woodstock, Georgia. And today I want to talk to you about constipation and digestive issues.

Chiropractic Care for Better Gut Health

You may say, what does chiropractic have to do with constipation? Isn’t it about neck and back pain? Well, absolutely not. That’s a common misconception that a lot of people have. So I’m going to clear that up for you now. And again, he said, Well, okay, you don’t treat back your neck pain, you treat constipation. Chiropractic does not treat anything but chiropractic does is ensure that the signals from the brain are healthy, and they’re heading down to control the entire rest of the body, because that’s how you stay healthy, is your brain communicates with all the glands and muscle cells and organs in the body. If that communication is good, your body can then heal, adapt and function properly. If that communication instead of being a firehouse going down, it’s choked off and becomes just a trickle. Whatever areas those brain, the brain energy is supposed to supply is now diminished and proper healing can’t take place proper adaptation cannot take place proper function cannot take place. And then you’d start to notice things if it’s in the colon area, it could be constipation, it could be diarrhea. And once you open those areas up through chiropractic, through what I practice, the Zone Technique, it’s amazing what happens.

Correcting Imbalances Within The Body

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve just had little children, and it’s very gentle with little children, it could just be touching specific spots. And then within minutes to it the most hours, children who have been constipated for weeks, literally weeks, parents have to give them enemas every day, start going to the bathroom and the parents are thrilled. And it’s just it. They feel like it’s a miracle. I’ve seen it so many times. That it’s it’s commonplace for me, I expect that to happen if you come into my office. And again, I’m not treating constipation, that child comes in, I’m gonna check their spine just like a would if somebody came in and they had skin issues. If they had a headache, it doesn’t matter. I’m looking for the interference in the spine. I’m checking the zones to see which of the six zones are imbalanced and I’m balancing those and then the body can heal itself.

The Elimination Zone & Self Healing

So in a lot of cases, whether it’s constipation or diarrhea, the body heals itself. I had somebody come into my office just this week, they were having very bad stomach issues from something they ate. They were regular patient, but they had something over the weekend. They missed work on Monday. They missed their appointment because their stomach was so bad. They came in Tuesday, they barely made it through work. I checked them I found out which zone was imbalanced. In their case, it was the elimination zone. It was super tender, we balanced it out afterwards, the tenderness was gone. And that night, she had no more stomach issues, the diarrhea was done. And she was a happy camper. And again, I was not looking to fix or cure her of her diarrhea. I wanted to find out where there was an imbalance, balance it and let the body heal itself and that’s exactly what happened and that’s what I do and that’s what I could do for you.

So this is Dr. John D’Ambrosio from The Center for Life Enhancement in Woodstock, Georgia. Have a great day!

Learn more about the Elimination Zone.

The Center for Life Enhancement

At The Center for Life Enhancement, we take a different approach to helping you regain your health. Dr. John’s 30+ years of experience has allowed him to research the best ways to identify the root cause of your problem and design a unique plan so you can start your journey of self-healing in the most powerful way possible.

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